Scopus Journal List 2019 For Social Sciences

2 will come out in july 2020.
Scopus journal list 2019 for social sciences. Journal of the social sciences. Scopus is the number one abstract and citation database of peer reviewed journals which contains more than 70 million items like scientific articles conference proceedings book chapters lecture notes and books. Advanced science letters 1998 1066. Scopus emerging sources citation index web of science erih plus dialnet dulcinea doaj directory of open access journals sherpa romeo the main objective of the international and multidisciplinary journal of social sciences rimcis is to disseminate scientific knowledge and.
This is non profit non stock refereed scientific journal in the world. Aacl bioflux 1572 8358. Social sciences humanities. Academic psychiatry 1468 4489.
Social sciences humanities. Scopus indexed social sciences journals. Life sciences social sciences physical sciences and health sciences. Acta antiqua academiae scientiarum hungaricae.
Manuscripts are peer reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 16 6 days after submission. Scopus covers nearly 36 377 titles 22 794 active titles and 13 583 inactive titles from approximately 11 678 publishers of which 34 346 are peer reviewed journals in top level subject fields. Rimcis is already indexed in the following data bases. Human factors and ergonomics.
1 3 which equals rank 80 249 q3 in the category general social sciences. Journal of population and social studies. 27 april 2019 0 scopus indexed social sciences journals e issn p issn source title 1545 7230. Social sciences humanities.
Journal of current science and technology. A medical journal is a peer reviewed scientific. Advances in environmental biology 1687 9317. Advances in meteorology 1521 7388.
Acta biotheoretica 1936 7317. Across languages and cultures 1588 2543. List of journals in aci for possible inclusion in the scopus in 2018 2019. Library and information sciences.
P in this article we are going to find out the list of free scopus indexed journals. Journal of the social sciences aims to publish original research articles and review articles in diverse fields of social sciences and related. Social sciences social sciences miscellaneous publisher. Social sciences humanities.
Scopus indexed environmental science journals e issn p issn source title 1844 9166. Acceptance to publication is undertaken in 3 9 days median values for papers published in this journal in the first half of 2020. Aerosol science and technology. Information not localized.
Social sciences humanities. Journal of the social sciences is an internationally peer reviewed journal. Academic research publishing group.