Taylor And Francis Journals Impact Factor

How important is a journal s impact factor.
Taylor and francis journals impact factor. Few of those factors the review board rejection rates frequency of inclusion in indexes eigenfactor etc. 2 145 enterprise information systems. We know from our researcher survey p 9 that the impact factor is an important consideration for many when choosing which journal to publish in. It uses the routledge imprint for its publishing in humanities social sciences behavioural sciences law and education and the crc press imprint for its publishing in science technology engineering and mathematics.
You must assess all the factors and then take the final call. Our approach to publishing has a human centered focus and we believe that properly harnessed the research that we curate has the power to transform lives for the better. Register a free taylor francis online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits. You can check the impact factor of the open access journals we publish on the journal homepage on taylor francis online.
For a long time citation metrics such as the impact factor were the standard and only tool available to evaluate journals and articles systematically. Click here for eis. The impact factor is one of the many elements that determine the quality of a journal. We publish research papers on a.
The impact factor you can use metrics to help when you are choosing a journal to submit your work to.